




神豪下终南 剧照 NO.1神豪下终南 剧照 NO.2神豪下终南 剧照 NO.3神豪下终南 剧照 NO.4神豪下终南 剧照 NO.5神豪下终南 剧照 NO.6神豪下终南 剧照 NO.13神豪下终南 剧照 NO.14神豪下终南 剧照 NO.15神豪下终南 剧照 NO.16神豪下终南 剧照 NO.17神豪下终南 剧照 NO.18神豪下终南 剧照 NO.19神豪下终南 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-12-12 00:26



 1 ) 一些台词收集

Oh, he loves playing with Earth girls. DOCTOR: You're a genius. You're stone cold brilliant, you are. I swear, you really are. But you could be so much more. You could be beautiful. With a mind like that, we could travel the stars. It would be my honour. Because you don't need to own the universe, just see it. To have the privilege of seeing the whole of time and space. That's ownership enough. MASTER: Would it stop, then? The noise in my head? DOCTOR: I can help. MASTER: I don't know what I'd be without that noise. DOCTOR: I wonder what I'd be, without you. DOCTOR: I'm older than you. WILF: Get away. DOCTOR: I'm nine hundred and six. WILF: Nine hundred years. We must look like insects to you. DOCTOR: I think you look like giants. And that's how the Master started. lt's not like I'm an inocet. l've taken lives. I got worse. I got clever, manipulated people into taking their own. Sometimes I think a Time Lord lives too long. I can't. I just can't. That's an order, Doctor. Take the gun. You take the gun and save your life. And please don't die. You're the most wonderful man and I don't want you to die. DOCTOR: There's an old Earth saying, Captain. A phrase of great power and wisdom, and consolation to the soul in times of need. ADDAMS: What's that, then? DOCTOR: Allons-y! DOCTOR: Get out of the way. The link is broken. Back into the Time War, Rassilon. Back into hell. RASSILON: You'll die with me, Doctor. DOCTOR: I know. MASTER: Get out of the way. You did this to me! All of my life! You made me! One! Two! Three! Four! WILF: Look, just leave me. DOCTOR: Okay, right then, I will. Because you had to go in there, didn't you? You had to go and get stuck, oh yes. Because that's who you are, Wilfred. You were always this. Waiting for me all this time. WILF: No really, just leave me. I'm an old man, Doctor. I've had my time. DOCTOR: Well, exactly. Look at you. Not remotely important. But me? I could do so much more. So much more! But this is what I get. My reward. And it's not fair! Oh. Oh. I've lived too long. WILF: No. No, no, please, please don't. No, don't! Please don't! Please! DOCTOR: Wilfred, it's my honour. DOCTOR: Was she happy in the end? VERITY: Yes. Yes, she was. Were you? I just wanted to give you this. Wedding present. Thing is, I never carry money, so I just popped back in time, borrowed a quid off a really lovely man. Geoffrey Noble, his name was. Have it, he said. Have that on me. DOCTOR: And you. What year is this? ROSE: Blimey, how much have you had? 2005, January the first. DOCTOR: 2005. Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year. ROSE: Yeah? See you. We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you toyour sleep. This song is ending, but the story never ends. I don't want to go.

 2 ) 一句话点评

  千言万语都浓缩进一句话:This song is ending,but your story never ends

 3 ) The End of Time

“Doctor, You take care. Because your song is ending..It is returning, it is returning through the dark…and before, it will know four times…”<The Planet of Death>.

自从我们知道David Tennant的10th Doctor要走之后,我们按照“死亡之星”里的这句话猜想了无数个结局,Master来敲响这四下?因为这个节奏是Master脑中永恒的鼓声;Time Lord来敲这四下?因为这个节奏是Time Lord的心跳声?结果我们都猜错了。

在Gallifrey和Master回到真实之墙封闭的世界之后,Doctor趴在满地狼藉上惊呼”I’m still alive!”,那一刻,我真的以为Doctor逃过了那一劫。可是随之Wilfred在玻璃门上轻敲的四声,却仿佛是整部<Doctor Who 2005>中最强的节奏鼓点,无比清晰的继续宣判着Doctor的死刑……”I can do so much more”,却无法改变自己的宿命,无法改变时空线上自己fixed的死亡。他努力了,他甚至想要拯救火星基地上的人们而不惜违背时间线,可是他的努力失败了,他知道自己死亡的那个寓言,所以在Oods回到21世纪召唤他的时候,他逃避了很久才去面对Oods和自己的命运。

最后二十分钟的大告别,我一边流泪一边看完,这不仅仅是David Tennant与我们的告别,还有RTD还有整个<Dcotor Who 2005>,以及曾经的那些一起遨游时空的伙伴们的告别。平行宇宙已经封闭,所以Doctor只有回到2005年1月1日,去见那个还没有与自己9th遇见过的Rose,他只想远远用这双眼睛再看一眼Rose的样子,因为她是他唯一深爱过的女人。他告诉她,她的2005年将会无比美妙,可是那个时候的Rose哪里会知道她将在2005年碰到9th Doctor并开启Badwolf传奇的经历,她什么都不知道的对待陌生人一样跟Doctor说Happy New Year,说See you,我们看来却分外的心酸。从2005年1月1日到2010年1月1日,仿佛时间线整个cycle就在此闭合了。最后Oods为Doctor的regeneration唱起挽歌,全宇宙都在为Doctor唱这挽歌,Doctor在Tardis里,在最后的时刻,”I don’t want to go”,却无可奈何这时间线上既定的死亡。

Doctor Who教会我们的是时间观和宇宙观,以及我们无尽的想象力,人类的想象力和创造力才是真正创造未来的力量。Doctor把Donna带到地球在太阳系中形成的那一刻,Doctor指着飞沙和乱石对Donna说道:“看到没,这就是你们人类所作的,从这里创造时间和历法,创造了节日,创造了一切。”我们可以想到,100年前,妇女没有投票权,同性恋被判死刑,100年后的现在,黑人可以当上总统,同性恋可以结婚,到了51世纪连男人都可以怀孕生孩子,这就是Doctor说他一直欣赏并且自豪的贯穿时间线上人类的无尽的想象力和创造力在普世的价值观下所创造的伟大力量。

最后,Doctor的故事并没有结束,2010 Spring,11th Doctor将会粉墨登场,Weeping Angel会回来,Daleks会回来,River Song会回来等等。

我一直最欣赏的<Doctor Who 2005>中的故事,是Master利用Arcangle大天使网络影响和控制地球上每一个人的思想,并且把Tardis改造成佯缪机,把宇宙时间尽头的人类带回现在杀死自己的祖先。Doctor同样利用大天使网络的18颗卫星,Martha请求全世界的每一个人在同一时间心里想着同一个词”Doctor”,Doctor利用60亿人思想的力量恢复了身体。有一句话,可以与天朝的人们互勉,Doctor对Master说,你可以影响和控制他们(60亿地球人)的思想和行为,but One thing you can’t do------TO STOP THEM THINKING!!

 4 ) 一个人的胡言乱语,不必在意





 5 ) Doctor Who--I Don't Want To Go

I don't want to go

This was the last line of our beloved tenth doctor--DT.

I don't really want to let you go!

My opinion is quite different from the previous one. I absolutely loved this special, especially the last 20 minutes.

It had been a while since I found out DT and RTD (Russell T. Davies) were going to leave Doctor Who for good, but when it was the time to say good-bye, I realized how much I didn't want them to go.

If you have watched DT's Doctor from season 2, you would understand how difficult it must be for him to say final good-bye to each one of his companies. This time when he said good-bye to everyone, it was really his final good-bye.

He saved Martha and Mickey, who were happily married since we last saw them.

He saved Sarah Jane Smith's son. After all these years, Sarah Jane still had a deep affection for him.

He visited Captain Jack in a pub and introduced him to Alonso. Captain Jack had been a wonderfully "side-kick" for him.

He didn't talk to any one of them. In fact, he didn't really need to. I believe all of them knew it was doctor's last good-bye.

He went to see Joan Redfern's great grandchild, who wrote a book about how her great grandmother fall in love with the human doctor .
"Was she happy...in the end?" the Doctor asked.
"Yes, yes, she was."

I suppose he owed her great grand mother an apology, even it wasn't entirely his fault. Maybe finding out the she was happy in the end made him less guilty of what he did to her. (watch season three episode 8 and 9).

Last but the most important person in his life, the Doctor visited Rose. He had to! They met for the last time in 2005 01 01, even before they were supposed to meet for the first time--the tragedy of being a time lord.

"tell you what, I bet you are going to have a really great year!"

In the end, everything came to where it was meant to start.

This is the last good-bye, not only to DT as the Doctor, but also to Rose, to Martha, to Mickey, to Sarah Jane, to Captain Jack......

I bet none of these people wanted to go either, but we know it is our farewell to them.....

The Coffee Guy

P.S. I have seen Matt Smith's new Doctor, not fond of him yet, but good luck Matt!

 6 ) 我的Doctor不在了







他说,这也许是我最后的机会和你说了,Rose Tyler……



最后,最后也没能说出那句I LOVE YOU











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  • derkaiser
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  • D Geek 富婆
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Donna到最后也没有嫁给图书馆那个人我真的在意这点TAT 补的速度略慢啊11你好11再见。。。【突然发现了10th的萌点 平时温柔善良 生气的时候会气鼓鼓地盯着对方

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David Tennant,再见!

  • kingkongofkhan
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  • Mona Lishark
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人类永恒的孤独。时间。其实只是生理现象。Remember that feeling, remenber the longliness,it is which that leads humens being to live on, to struggle though time and spare,to keep moving on, to remember and forget, to laugh and cry, to get old, die, and bear,one generation and other

  • 小蓝
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特别集这几集一直觉得10比以往看上去更加忧郁,到了时之终结下篇简直忧郁到了极点。半夜里看,虽然做好了哭瞎的准备,但是最后10的每一个所作所为都literally tearing my heart apart,尤其是他在作出抉择要不要救Donna外公的时候,“it's not fair”的片刻呐喊让我突然意识到,这位时间领主在经历了几百年后,那些欢喜悲忧的溢出较任何人事物更甚——他是个神通广大的外星人,但绝不是神。心痛,心疼,不舍得10,真的不舍得,但是我再舍不得也因为我距离剧的大热已经过去了9年,再怎么舍不得,也能擦擦眼泪第二天继续补。不明白那些当年随着剧的播出一起熬过来的人是怎么做到的...太厉害了吧

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  • 企鹅
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哈- -master你就从了doctor吧!

  • RORO
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刚从CE到DT,完全不能接受DT猴精般的doctor形象,但到了最后的最后,我完全被折服了!DTT啊你把doctor演得后人难以超越了...真是看得难过死了TAT...i don't want to go...看得我眼泪水汤汤滴啊,11th的脸一出来我更...泪流满面了TAAAT

  • AshtrayGem
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