

所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.1所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.2所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.3所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.4所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.5所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.6所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.13所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.14所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.15所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.16所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.17所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.18所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.19所有美好的东西 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-16 04:18


影片根据纽约历史上最声名狼藉的谋杀悬案改编。   1973年纽约地产富豪的儿子Robert Durst(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)娶了美丽的穷学生Kathleen McCormack(克斯汀·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰)。两人婚后离开 城市,到乡村享受了一段恬静的时光,当返程时卡蒂回到了学校继续学业。一切看似幸福,可1982年Kathleen突然失踪寻访不得。2000年Durst的好友Susan Berman被发现死在家中,20年前的失踪案被重新唤起,Durst因这两个案件受到询问,但都因为证据不足而未受起诉。2001年Durst的邻居Morris Black被杀,尸体被分解,他再一次受到怀疑被起诉,可经著名律师辩护后被无罪释放。直到2004年再次接受审判Durst最终被判5年监禁,媒体将"百万富翁凶手"的名号赠予他。


 1 ) 你没有等到最好的我







我不想就David这些不能理解的行径发表过多的言论,我只注意到了一个镜头:他们在乡下开的那家小杂货铺【All Good Things】便代表了一切,不管对于David亦或是Catherine,那都是生命中最美好的归宿。他们在那里相爱着,灵魂彼此紧贴,就连时间都要踟蹰是否要驻足观望这美好的一对儿。可惜时间没有停下,他们走向末路。


 2 ) 你的爱如同罂粟

  在猜想如果David从最开始选择和Kathleen住在乡间,开着那间名叫ALL GOOD THING 的健康食品店,那么结局会不会相反,会不会一直是那样。仔细一想,本质还是不会变的,无论David在哪里,做着什么样的的事情,遇见什么样的人,他还是那个心里藏着魔鬼的男人,会毁灭一切柔软美好的男人。

 3 ) 美好,不好,一切都还在



    All good things都会因为记忆亦或是期待而消失,我哀叹年轻、美丽和爱的流逝,沉默于罪恶的脱逃。只是,那些曾经的阳光与微笑依然会荡漾你我的心房。如果你想思索,如果你想尝试,看过影片,就将那些值得记忆的美好可在脑海里吧!


 4 ) Robert Durst All Good Things DVD Commentary

On the scene in the opening credits when a young Durst shoots a toy gun at his mom:

"I did like guns when I was a little kid, I remember that."

On meeting Kathie’s family:

"That is one of the major regrets in my life, is the way I treated her family, her mother. They’d never met anything like me before, this guy with piles of money and terrible manners. I used to feed the dog while I was sitting at the table. I used to talk about making love to Kathie at the dining-room table in front of her mother. [I was] absolutely impossible."

On why Kathie’s family paid for the wedding, despite the Dursts’ enormous wealth:

"The bride’s family pays for the wedding."

On his shock that Kathie was accepted to the Albert Einstein School of Medicine:

"I just didn’t think she would be accepted. I thought that if she was accepted to medical school, it would be one of the lesser-rated schools. My shock was somewhat tempered … [since] the reason she got accepted at Albert Einstein was because my grandfather was a founder of Albert Einstein."

On his refusal to help pay for Kathie’s school, and the cancellation of her credit cards:

"I was always, always, always very controlling. In terms of the stuff that’s out there — that I tried to get her out of medical school, that I wouldn’t pay her tuition — I wouldn’t pay her tuition because she’d hired lawyers, my lawyer insisted that I don't pay for anything that I hadn’t paid for in the past, and she’d gone and done one of those federal programs where they pay for it and you take a loan. The lawyer said, 'Don’t pay for the medical school.'"

"Yes, I cancelled her credit card and took her off the bank account, but she had her own bank account and I didn’t want her on mine, or I guess I was told that she shouldn’t be on [my] credit card — she could get her own credit cards."

"She never filed for divorce. She wanted a child, to have children, and she wanted me to not always be the dominant one, to not always make all the decisions in the marriage."

On the scene where Gosling’s character storms into Dunst’s graduation party and pulls her out by her hair:

"This is close. After a number of years, before, where we would go to her family’s house for a function, I would insist that we agree on how long we are going to stay: two hours, three hours, four hours. We would always do a negotiation, and when the time was up, I was ready to leave."

"I’ve seen the story about the hair two different ways. One way, I drag her out of the house by her hair; the other way, I grab her hair and a big chunk comes out. Either way is close enough."

On the scene in which Dunst’s character seeks refuge in a neighbor’s apartment in the midst of a fight with Gosling’s character:

    Durst: This is more or less accurate. I don’t know why she would go in our neighbor’s window as opposed to go to their door. But it was pouring, and we were having a wrestling, shoving-type fight, and she ran out on the terrace and ran into their apartment. Said she was afraid to come home. [I] said, "She doesn’t want to come home, she doesn’t have to come home."

    Jarecki: Did you feel like she was really afraid to come home?

    Durst: I’ve got no idea. I didn’t really care one way or another what she did. It was late and I was just tired."

On the part where Dunst’s character discovers Gosling’s character killed Igor, the family dog:

    Durst: This made me feel bad about the movie, Andrew. I mean, the idea that I could kill Igor, I don’t like.

    Jarecki: Well, there was a lot of discussion about you having had a lot of dogs over the years, a bunch of [which] were named Igor. Someone said to us at one point that you had seven dogs over ten years or something."

    Durst: No. We had two Igors before the Igor that lasted forever. One of them got run over, and one of them, when he was a puppy, went out and … ate an apple core. The apple core got stuck in his gut. We did an operation on him, and he died.

On his relationship with Morris Black:

    Durst: [In Galveston, I] didn’t know anybody there to begin with, and when I left, I didn’t know anybody but Morris Black. And we were both loners and had some strange things in common and didn’t do much. There’s not that much to do in Galveston, anyway, but whatever it was, we did it. Went to some movies. Saw Traffic.

    Jarecki: The movie Traffic?

    Durst: Yes, the movie Traffic.

    Jarecki: You didn’t just sit and watch traffic.

    Durst: [Laughing] There wasn’t even much traffic in Galveston.

On Morris Black’s death and dismemberment:

"I remember it very, very, very clearly, and I remember the nightmare I went through over the next several days trying to decide what to do, deciding I could not go to the police, the police aren’t going to believe this, nobody’s going to believe that I came down here to Galveston a rich guy, rented a $300-a-month apartment disguised as a woman, and oh, by the way, my neighbor is lying in my kitchen with a shot in the face from my gun …"

"They never found the head. I have no idea why. I do know that there must have been 15 garbage bags full of body parts and other stuff with blood on it or whatever, and they found 12. Why they didn’t find the other ones, since they were all dumped in the same place, I have no idea."

 5 ) All Good Things

不错的题材,可惜不够连贯,也不知道导演想表现什么。镜头中Kirsten Dunst美极了。Ryan Gosling 演得不错,中年造型化妆上有点假。

"All Good Things throws so many narrative balls in the air that you may struggle to catch up."
(Peter Travers from "Rolling Stone")

"...when it comes to a feature film, leaving an audience with an incomplete feeling is not always the best approach."
(James Berardinelli from "Reelviews")

"...the screenplay seems to be fighting against the reality that some stories may not be suited for the movie treatment."
(Jason McKiernan from Filmcritic.com)

Verdict: 7 out of 10

 6 ) 谁没有过一两个童年阴影

比如很小的时候父母过世,或者父母大战八百回合摔掉家里所有锅碗瓢勺然后离异,或者父母一方是个有恶习的asshole,再或者父母本身就有些性格问题或者family issue。更或者,很小的事情都会成为童年阴影的来源。




刚看完这部《所有美好的东西》,属于剧情惊悚电影,电影名字和剧情是相反的,所有美好的东西其实一瞬间就化作不美好,是对现实的讽刺,影片根据纽约历史上最声名狼藉的谋杀悬案改编,上流社会的人是不是都容易得精神分裂症?kristen dunst的复出,带给这部戏很大惊喜,将一个可喜可悲的妻

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